
How many cryptocurrencies is coingecko tracking?

CoinGecko is now tracking 12,910 cryptocurrencies. Popular trends of the industry right now are DeFi and Play to Earn . Are you sure want to remove this coin? Any transactions associated with this coin will also be removed.

What is XRP Ledger?

XRP is the native cryptocurrency of XRP Ledger, which is an open-source, public blockchain designed to facilitate faster and cheaper payments. Sending payments overseas using the legacy financial system typically takes one to four business days and can be expensive.

What is the trading volume of coingecko?

Total cryptocurrency trading volume in the last day is at $123 Billion. Bitcoin dominance is at 41.3% and Ethereum dominance is at 17.6%. CoinGecko is now tracking 12,910 cryptocurrencies. Popular trends of the industry right now are DeFi and Play to Earn . Are you sure want to remove this coin?

How many XRP tokens can ripple sell per month?

In 2017, the company transferred 55 billion of its 80 billion XRP tokens into an escrow account from which it could sell a maximum of 1 billion tokens per month on the secondary market. Ripple did that to improve the transparency and predictability of XRP sales.

